Why Data Knobs

This is Minimaxing, a fully responsive HTML5 site template designed by and released for free by Cheap Website It features a simple, lightweight design, solid HTML5 and CSS3 code, and full responsive support for desktop, tablet, and mobile displays.

Who are you guys?

  • Jane Anderson

    Varius nibh. Suspendisse vitae magna eget et amet mollis justo facilisis amet quis.

  • James Doe

    Vitae magna eget odio amet mollis justo facilisis amet quis. Sed sagittis consequat.

Data Product Knobs

Enterprises are most successful when they treat data like a product. It means companies can use data in multiple use cases. However unlike traditional product data need to be changed according to use-case. Some use case need detail data, some use case need aggegate. Some use case focus on sensitive data, some use case focus on sharing and want to filer sensitive data. Another set of use cases may add more context for new use cases.
Managing data thru knobs enable you to use data into different context. In traditional method data is copied/shared and then pipeline are build for ingestion-transformation for each use case. Thru Data knobs we build data as product but allows you to filter/transform/enhance/secure/annonymize thru knobs.
Data products are built with knobs

  • Data Privacy thru Knobs

    Varius nibh. Suspendisse vitae magna eget et amet mollis justo facilisis amet quis consectetur in, sollicitudin vitae justo. Cras Maecenas eu arcu purus, phasellus fermentum elit.

  • Data Quality hru Knobs

    Varius nibh. Suspendisse vitae magna eget et amet mollis justo facilisis amet quis consectetur in, sollicitudin vitae justo. Cras Maecenas eu arcu purus, phasellus fermentum elit.

  • Data Security thru Knobs

    Varius nibh. Suspendisse vitae magna eget et amet mollis justo facilisis amet quis consectetur in, sollicitudin vitae justo. Cras Maecenas eu arcu purus, phasellus fermentum elit.

Create value from data

Empower business users

Data Lineage and Extensibility together

When a firm develops a commercial product, it typically tries to create an offering that can address the needs of as many kinds of users as possible to maximize sales. Often that means developing a base product that can be customized for different users.
customization of future use case is complex. Design become more complicated when you add additional dimension of data privacy, security, compliance, lineage.
Example As per "forget me law" consumer can ask deletion of her data. Data product design need to handle it.